“The first boy is a middle schooler who did not complete elementary school. His mother passed away last year and his father is absent in his life.
I’m hoping to send him to a boarding school next month. Our church member teaches and takes care of him.
The second old man has no family and is sick, so we are helping him with his monthly rent.
The third person is John, who passed away of kidney disease, two weeks ago. We evangelized and cared after him, then he received Jesus Christ as his Saviour.
Unfortunately, not long before his passing, he went through heartbreak after his wife ran away with the children and all the things in the house. Our church members listened to his story, stayed with him and prayed for him.
The fourth girl has an ear inflammation and we have been sponsoring the medical expenses. She is unable to go to high school and her sister is unable to go to middle school, so we plan to help them go to school.
In addition, we have been evangelizing and supporting the poor. One of the Church sister’s was sponsored by us after her condition of pyelonephritis returned.
The last photo shows the interpreters who came from Korea last month and spent two weeks supporting poor local governments, including pastors’ seminars, in four Kenyan regions.”
-Pastor & Missionary Park