Advancement of Religion

The Word of God

The Word of God is taught during the services.

Group Prayers

We help others through group prayers and allow for individual quite time with God.


Services are done in both English and Korean.

Prior to Covid-19, we had people come to receive counselling and prayer of healing. Currently, we provide this service through phone/video calls.

Worship services

Worship services are being conducted at
30 Quantum St. Markham.

Early Morning Prayer Meeting:
Monday – Friday at 5:15 AM – 7:00 AM

Daily Evening Service:
Monday – Sunday at 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Overnight Prayer Meeting:
Friday at 11:00 PM – till finished

Sunday Worship:
Sunday at 11AM

Yehoah Rapha Prayer House

Charitable Organization

Yehoah-Rapha Prayer House offers free-services to their online community, including: Tax Clinic, Virtual Tutorial, and Worship services. 

YPH began in June of 2018 as a scholarship & Bursary program for elementary to middle-school students at a private, Christian School. It assisted families of students with their tuitions so they could learn in a Scripture-rooted environment.

[Isaiah 38:16-17]
Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health.
You restore my health and allow me to live!
Yes, this anguish was good for me, for you have rescued me from death
and forgiven all my sins.