Dear Pastors and YPH,
How are you?
Our churches wish to thank you for always working with us and supporting us through prayer.
At the Corogo Peace Church, there has been more news to share. The first photo is of a friend named Brian, who was bitten by a dog and couldn’t walk. We prayed together and he was able to walk again! For a time, he could attend church well. Unfortunately, he could not resist the resurfacing temptation of alcohol and went back to his old life.
Also, a 50-year-old man, named Shadrak, had lived years being restricted to bed, and unable to walk for many months. He, too, prayed with our church members then walked, after two weeks!
Neighbors around him accepted his miraculous healing with joy. He walks well now, but he still has no strength to work. We have been supplying his needs. Including, his afflictions of AIDS and tuberculosis.
In the second photo, I visited, spoke with, and prayed with a patient who had a stroke more than a decade ago. Since then, he has been unable to move or speak, and has often had cramps in his body. His wife has not attended church for a long time.
Presently, she is attending our church’s services, weekday prayer meetings, and receiving words of joy.
I hope they will believe that God will fix him. We also ask that you pray for him to be healed.
In the third photo, you will see an elementary school student from our church. He was severely burned by hot water. So we visited him at the hospital and helped his family with the hospital expenses.
Also, we visited many sick people’s homes, brought them food, and prayed for the Gospel.
When many children come on Saturdays, there are about 200 people, and we decided to cook for them every Saturday. We also share meals after worship on Sundays.
We also bought uniforms for three girls who couldn’t go to high school and helped them get accepted. Students in need of elementary school who attended the church receive our support with their tuition.
In the last photo, we translated for a pastor from Korea at Turkana’s local churches.
When we saw the Turkana people, we thought of the verse: “They look at the crowd and feel sorry for them, because they are suffering like sheep without a shepherd.”
It is saddening to see there is a lack of good workers and shepherd for the people in this region.
In Turkana, this region takes more than 20 hours by car from the capital, Nairobi; making it difficult to get there in a day.
Kasarani is an overflowing Church. It was growing well, and we set up a local Pastor to guide the church. The Pastor along with Madame Jane, worked together until a division occurred. It is saddening to say that local Pastor left after their fellowship fell apart. The local pastor originally couldn’t pay the rent for his church, so he worshiped only at home. We decided to entrust the Church to his care as he seemed to have passion for the Lord…
Sadly, he did not pray fervently when supporting the foundation of the Church. Through this sad departure, we have learned to be more discerning in the selection of leadership. Despite this, Madame Jane eagerly teaches and supplies food to the children every Saturday. On Sunday, she eats with the church members and shares corn flour with the poor believers. Some of them come to the church as recycling workers, making a living by retrieving sellable goods from the Kasarani local garbage dump.
Additionally, we all are sponsoring two elementary school students to attend school.
A third piece of news I must profess to you is related to our Friday Prayer Nights. God bestowed grace upon us when I and the church members hold Friday prayers, at the Peace Church of Korogocho.
I was praying for a young man who was in the second year of high school, but had left school for a long time. In the midst of prayer, I learned that there was a spirit of obscenity and stealing. So I told this friend that he would die on the road.
On the next morning, a Saturday, this friend talked about his obscene crimes, threatening people with a knife; and stealing their money and smartphones. I had no idea this friend was living such a life. God has shown grace to him, and he has tried to repent, but he still shows a poor progress because he has not been able to break from his sins. Spending time with many like this friend, I underwent a time of personal despair and hopelessness at the unchanging lives and stubbornness of the church members. Even though God has made them aware of what they were guilty of. When we prayed together in church, we had no idea before. Afterwards, we know that people are guilty of crimes. God has the power to convict them into confessing their guilt, so we hear their stories.
The ones that they do not want to tell anyone else.
Many mothers, high school and elementary students commit sins for money and pleasure. Last week, I had a mother and a high school daughter who came to my church for the first time; and when I prayed for them, God told me that her high school daughter was guilty of obscene acts. I spoke with her and she was living deep in lust. I think God has made me know this for the faith and salvation of those people.
It was difficult to share this missionary reporting because I was worried that it would be discomforting as its contents are not easy to hear.
I found out that the sins these people were committing were because of the solid hold of a jin they were ensnared by. Being unrepentant of their sins, insincere, and rebelling against God were signs that this was not a fight with people, but with evil spirits that are holding them.
It seems that people come to church, but do not always gain the knowledge of the truth or the learnings of the truth because they continue to commit sin.
Lord, please be kind!
I request of you to pray often!
This is really God’s work, not something I can do on my own. He has opened my eyes to see the sins of the people sometimes, but they have not been able to abandon them and turn them back to God.
Pity these people! Pity those who are bound by the chains of sin and go to eternal destruction.
Pray that the Holy Spirit pour into their hearts God’s restorative grace and the wonderful power of the transforming Lord.
Lord, You are the Almighty! You are the Author of History!
Father, I am merely a sinner! I am full of wrongdoing and falter as I carry out Your Will. Please restore Your Image in us all!
Please pray for me to be a person who loves God and the church members.
During a church prayer meeting, I suddenly felt depressed. The sudden rush of sadness, I found this to be the sadness that God had as He pitied the people in their suffering.
My heart has grown through the experience and my view has shift to see them as God wants me to see them.
While helping them, I feel happy as I receive the grace that God fills me up with over and over again.
Even now, I am confounded by a spiritual problem. Although we aid people in their monthly rent and in making money, it is useless. Many people go back to their old sins, they do not choose faith and to walk with the Lord…
The Lord knows the solution.
Oh Lord! Please give wisdom and guidance to us!
As I conclude this report, I want to thank you for accompanying us in the process and journey of the mission. We pray that God blesses you with peace ^^